How should Christians engage constructively with the world, and in so doing reflect and model the example of Jesus? This is a huge and highly significant question; a question that inevitably throws up a vast array of possible ‘answers’. In trying to navigate a helpful path through this, a worthwhile starting point is this new book by David Lambourn.

Lambourn gives a perceptive and penetrating overview of Biblical history and provides valuable resources for helping develop a ‘Christian worldview’. This ‘worldview’ engages faithfully with – and robustly challenges – many strands of contemporary culture. Lambourn writes with clarity and detailed insight, yet his book remains very accessible.

The sweep of Biblical texts and stories are impressive. ‘Questions to Consider’ concluding each chapter are well chosen and bring about much helpful group discussion as well as personal reflection and a stimulus for further study and action.I commend the book on this basis. (Rev Alex Jacob, CEO The Church’s Ministry among Jewish People (CMJ).