Biblical, Contemporary and Personal Reflections on Christian Discipleship
By Alex Jacob. 90pp. Review by Peter Sammons.
Whilst Alex Jacob is perhaps best known for his seminal work “The Case For Enlargement Theology”, aimed at making a very clear and powerful case for God’s ongoing purposes in and around the Jewish people and the Jewish nation, (aimed principally at a serious theological readership), Jacob has never lost sight of his pastoral background, and calling.
Help for new believers
Jacob has written three books in the past which aim to help new believers in Jesus to establish themselves in regular Bible study, and Bible confidence, so foundational to any genuine growth in the Christian life. His three previous books were titled * 100 Days With Acts. * 100 Days With Luke, and * 60 Days With Romans. Each of these featured the strapline ‘An Ideal Resource For New Jewish Believers in Jesus’. These three works emerged from Alex’s previous leadership of CMJ (the churches’ ministry amongst Jewish people).
The targeted readership for these three earlier books may seem rather narrow, and limited. However, the serious point is correctly made that the difficulties and objections of new Jewish disciples and the journey that they must make as they become followers of Jesus are very, very similar to the difficulties and objections that Muslim converts also encounter. It must be said, then, that there are well over a billion people who might well benefit from Alex’s previous works!
The need for discipleship
Alex Jacob’s latest book is targeted, I suggest, at a more general British readership. It is aimed to assist churches to integrate and develop the new believer in Christ. The context in which this book is most likely to be used, then, is in the day-to-day pastoral work of discipling new believers in Britain.
None of the above is to suggest that this new book would not be equally useful in other countries and in non- British contexts. But I envisage that this book would be especially useful in the context of ordinary, Bible believing churches seeking to be serious, disciplined, and systematic about helping the brand new convert to begin their life of Christian faith in a secure, and God honouring way.
Growth essential
All believers need strengthening at all times! As is often said, we battle against ‘the world, the flesh, and the devil’. We need Christian maturity. And we need to work towards Christian maturity.
What about new believers? What about those who are brand new to the Christian faith? Those who have a non- Christian background? And indeed, those who come from a non- Christian religion?
- How do they grow?
- How do they grow quickly?
- How do they grow in a way that is God honouring?
As the information on the back of the book states, “becoming a disciple of Jesus is the most important and transformative decision anyone can make. In this book Alex Jacob places Christian discipleship into its clear biblical context and shares many contemporary and practical insights based on tenkey steps. This book is concise, challenging, and compelling.
If you have walked the path of Christian discipleship for many years, or if you are taking your first steps on this journey, you will find much in this book to encourage and equip you. This book is ideal both for personal reading and reflection, as well as for group study and discussion.”
The core of this book is its 10 programmed steps towards Christian growth that Alex Jacob seeks to encourage. The steps are as follows:
Step 1- sharing the hope
Step 2- learning to give
Step 3- growing in prayer
Step 4- willing to forgive
Step 5- willing to go
Step 6- focusing on worship
Step 7- committing to study
Step 8- recognising your gifting
Step 9- seeking the Kingdom
Step 10- keeping on going
The book opens with a general essay on the biblical context of discipleship. Separately Alex Jacob apologises for his 10- step approach, because so many modern books, secular as well as Christian, seek to provide some randomly given number of programmed steps towards “success”. Jacob says he rather objects to this approach, generally, but finds it actually useful as he broaches the subject of discipleship, and how we can do it well. Surely, we need to be systematic!
In this review, I will not explore each of the 10 steps. In fact, for a mature Christian they are probably reasonably self-explanatory. Rather, what I will say is that each step is well – yet concisely – described and the text encourages reflection and discussion. Each of these key 10 ‘chapters’ is ended with a block of ‘points to consider’, which encourages group discussion. It is perhaps in the group context, such as a new believers group, or a cell group, or even a house group, where this material might be most gainfully employed.
The style and layout of the book is useful, and easy to navigate. As a reviewer, I can well imagine that other readers would find this a useful and practical handbook and they would be likely to personalise it through margin notes, underlinings, and highlights with a marker pen. Similarly, I suspect that it is a book that the new believer will return to, from time to time. And similarly, if this is used in a house group context, then house group leaders will no doubt find it a useful resource to which to return regularly.
This is not a big book, at just 90 pages. But it is thorough, and useful, and will I am sure be a genuine blessing both to new disciples, and to those who seek to counsel them, and shepherd them. Recommended.
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