A troubling article on the trade in Donkey skins to China. Whilst not a specifically Christian issue, it reminds us of the profound consequences of misuse of the good creation that God has given to us. Potential trouble ahead...
How to Disciple a New Believer
Roger Dunsdon considers how to help a new believer grow. ROOTS GO DEEP(ER) Messiah Jesus calls us to new life. He clothes us with Himself, commissions us with a purpose, and empowers us to fulfil that purpose. But what is that purpose? It is to follow Him as His...
Jesus in the Tabernacle
Roger Dunsdon explores. What do these truths mean to me, today? PATTERN IS GOOD! In the Scriptures, God told His Chosen People to build a Temple to a very precise pattern. The New Testament book of Hebrews affirms that this pattern displays heavenly truths about Jesus...
Full Gospel Evangelism
Peter Sammons reviews Nathan Jensen’s valuable short study. SUCCINCT Nathan Jensen’s book, at a mere 12pp (A4 format) and freely downloadable as a PDF, is certainly useful. Subtitled “Abundant Ways to Bring Good News” this study reminds us that, in fact, we have a...
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