Peter Sammons reflects on recent reports of closer ‘Russian’ involvement
It is by no means a foregone conclusion or a ‘slam dunk’ that ‘Russia’ must be involved in the End Time scenario. There has, however, been an eschatalogical school of thought for many years that ‘Russia’ may be the King of the uttermost north, cited in Daniel chapter 11 (and potentially Ezerkiel chapter 38).
Recent news of Russian soldiers being deployed to Israel’s northern border ( see: )indicate – if nothing else – that ‘Russia’ will continue to press it’s ‘interests’ in and around Israel.
For the berean Christian this continues to be proverbially ‘one to be aware of’ as we decypher what end times events may entail. In my book “Last Days and End Times” I do not seek to be definitive about the geopolitical actors on the eschatalogical ‘stage’. Speculations Should surely remain precisely that – speculation. But the Putin regime’s determination to reassert some form of global role for a decidedly declining State suggests more military uncertainty ahead.
My book is freely available here as downloadable PDF: (Its available in traditional printed format as well).
In Christian Comment we have several times reflected on ‘Russia’. Just type ‘Russia’ in the Christian Comment search engine to reveal relevant articles. Most foundationally is the question, is ‘Russia’ a country at all? See The Russian Idea:
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