Daniel Holland’s 2025 new year message to the faithful supporters of Through Faith Missions has broader implications ……

AWAKE! Awake, Zion! Clothe yourself with strength! Put on your garments of splendour, Jerusalem, the holy city (Is 52v 1a).

As this new year begins I feel the need to stir myself up shake myself AWAKE. The Christmas season encourages us to indulge our natural senses with screen time, rich food, and drink. There’s lots of sitting around indoors, preferably around a log fire, and then more eating! If we are not careful our spirit becomes dull. I don’t want to be sluggish and lethargic, but rather spiritually and physically switched on, charged up and ready to run after Jesus into 2025.

Over the last few years God has given a sharp wake up call to His Church – horrific scandals, shocks, falling away and betrayals. No longer can we survive off what previous generations have fought and sacrificed for. It’s our turn to rise up and stand for Christ. The corporate church has been idle and even asleep too long. We’ve been far too comfortable. Unfortunately for us the enemy of our souls has not. He has been wide awake sowing his tares everywhere, including in the ‘church’. Jesus warned us, but it is still a shock when we are confronted by our true state:

“The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field.  But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared. “The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?’  “‘An enemy did this,’ he replied. (Matt 13v 24-27)

TFM has beena sleeping giant, not that we have been literally ‘asleep’, that’s not our style at all. However in the last few years since Covid we have getting back on our feet and I have spent much time, along with many of you, seeking the heart of God for the way forward. ‘We have never been this way before’ (Joshua 3v 4). We are standing up to our full height and setting the faith bar high. God has shed fresh vision (please see the TFM website) which we will implement more fully in 2025. Holy Spirit is giving TFM a trumpet blast and a call to war; spiritual war against darkness.

People are totally disillusioned with the world, it’s leaders, the institutional church and ‘business as usual’ ….. if they care at all. TFM has the huge privilege to awake the lost with the clear trumpet sound of the gospel. There’s no time to waste. We have significant opportunities at Download, in Kenya and at Littleport. AWAKE Suffolk Coastal is TFM’s big mission this year, the 40th anniversary of TFM’s founding. Our faith-filled goal is at least 10 churches and 100 volunteer evangelists. We are spreading the ‘gospel’ net wide and praying for an bumper catch (Matt 13v 47-50). Whatever happens, we plan to leave it all out on the field, our ‘gospel seed’ that is, trusting God for the rest. Change is upon us; David will be retiring after AWAKE Suffolk Coastal, more of this another time.

So to TFM, to the church, to the lost and even to the future evangelists that don’t know it yet, the Spirit of God says:

“Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” (Eph 5v 14)

Wishing you a very happy and Spirit-filled 2025,
Lead Evangelist, TFM