Peter Sammons reviews Nathan Jensen’s valuable short study.


Nathan Jensen’s book, at a mere 12pp (A4 format) and freely downloadable as a PDF, is certainly useful. Subtitled “Abundant Ways to Bring Good News” this study reminds us that, in fact, we have a range of tools to help us engage with those outside the Kingdom and encourage them to ‘meet’ Jesus in reality.

Of course readers may feel entitled to protest, surely not another book on evangelism! So much has been written, yet the decline in church membership and attendance seems unstoppable. What help are books?

Jensen does not try to proffer a sure-fire way of ‘success’ in evangelism. Rather, he simply reminds us that there is a ‘big picture’ we may sometimes miss as we consider how to reach others with the good news. In fact, says Jensen, we are in a real spiritual battle as we seek to win people over, and we are spiritually opposed. With that understanding the booklet opens with a consideration of ‘contact weapons’.

The key ‘weapons’ suggested in the schematic above are Godly Power displayed (yes, it does happen and it ought to happen more). There is our own personal testimony which may have a place – but perhaps we tend to overuse this ‘weapon’ to the point it becomes less effective? There is the gospel message itself. And finally in this ‘Greek’ world, there is the idea of evidence and reason which can, in some circumstances, be very helpful.

Jensen is quite right to speak of ‘intentional outreach’. Of course all Christians – at all times – are involved in evangelism, but sometimes our daily task of witnessing precisely where the Spirit has called us to be in our daily lives, can be supplemented by ‘intentional’ and planned outreach, typically in the form of a defined Mission. The ‘weapons’ and tactics deployed may be markedly different in the two situations. Indeed as I read Jensen’s booklet I thought there is a sense in which we have not only intentional mission (generally planned in advance and covered by much prayer), but we also have opportunistic mission, literally where the Spirit provides and opportunity and He expects us to reach out in faith.

We need better to recognize differing situations and the appropriate spiritual tools to apply. That’s the essence of this useful booklet.


The booklet is sub-divided to three main sections, where the author adds some depth to his illustrations. Hence * Contact Weapons * Approach * Seeing Victory! Under the section ‘Approach’ the author summarizes also in diagram format:

This again is useful and the author illustrates each sub-heading with thoughtful text. Whilst the section on Victory is very short, surely spiritual victory is a necessary expectation. If we go out in the name of Jesus then we should expect to see the Lord’s word return bearing ‘gifts’. We really should have an expectation that, in the spiritual battle that is intentional evangelism (or even opportunistic evangelism), we shall see victory through the Spirit’s power. The booklet concludes with these thoughts:

Gospel outreach is the greatest privilege for the true disciple of Jesus. We note that some are called to be an evangelist in a very direct and powerful way, but all Christians have a responsibility to give an account of the hope that lies within us (1Peter 3:15-17). Be assured of this, if you determine to share the good news of the Kingdom, then God will both provide the opportunities and the wisdom needed. Ask for faith, and Jesus promises to supply (James 1: 5-8). Praise Him!

The book is dated almost as an ‘issue number’, so it appears the author has the intention to update and periodically reissue the material from time to time.

As a reviewer I do not wish to say any more here. At 12pp and freely available, this is something all mature Christians should possess and be familiar with. May I suggest download, and read at a single sitting? Here is the relevant link:



Abundant Ways to Bring Good News. By Nathan Jensen.
A 12-page PDF that explores the breadth of evangelistic tools made available by Holy Spirit. Evangelism was never a ‘one-size fits all’ transaction:

Full Gospel Evangelism (PDF)