Netflix is to air a blasphemous and pornographic presentation of Jesus, interestingly conflating Jesus with USA gun-ownership ….

So, Netflix is to air a blasphemous and pornographic presentation of Jesus, interestingly conflating Jesus with USA gun-ownership. As pointed out in the links below, Netflix will not be mocking Mohammad of Islam in the same way – or in any way, in fact. (Quelle surprise, as the French say!):

Christian Comment? A time of “mockers” is here, which must tell us something about the days in which we live (2 Peter 3:3). The future for the West is likely to be Islam (YFII – your future is Islam, as the saying has it).

Remember what Jesus said.  “When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” (Luke 21:28).

Difficult days ahead, but we know Whom is in control. Praise Him!