Gaza and Zephaniah

Gaza and Zephaniah

Does the Bible speak specifically of Gaza? Peter Sammons considers. Introduction This article is prepared in some haste and does not allow for the detailed assessment I would normally make, but times are moving on so fast and Christians are (legitimately) asking...


This is ‘re-tweeted’ with permission from ‘Trumpet Sounds’. 01 November 2023. Section headers added by Christian Comment. Ed. Hamas The Hebrew word in Genesis 6: 11 and 13 translated as violence is, in English, ‘ha-mas’. (see Strongs H2555). Corruption and violence...
Shalom from Zion

Shalom from Zion

Chuck Cohen’s thoughts from Jerusalem ….. Our rock God’s Word is our rock, especially as He seems to be shaking everything (Isa. 2:19-21; Joel 3:16; Hag. 2:6-7). The reason we trust in His Word is because it comes from Him. If we receive an e-mail from someone...
Mainstream or Progressive?

Mainstream or Progressive?

The morphing of words. Roger Bolton considers.  Mainstream? Last month Christian Comment looked at Financial (banking) industry cancellation of accounts held by customers that banks’ staff do not like. In the UK this has become something of a political scandal. We...
Farage financial farrago

Farage financial farrago

Roger Bolton reflects on the ‘cancellation’ of Nigel Farage by posh bank Coutts a public figure’s bank account is cancelled what are the broad social implications? what are the specific Christian implications? The basic story For the benefit of any non-UK readers,...